Discover Where Bishop Stands on the Issues That Matter to You

  • Community Policing

    While the sheriff and his deputies have a sworn obligation to uphold the law, it's important to step out of “enforcement mode” and remind the public that we're members of the community, too. By engaging with residents and forming a community partnership with businesses and residents of Denton County we can foster better relationships between the Sheriff’s Office and the Denton County public.

  • Officer Retention and Morale

    Under the current administration, the Denton County Sheriff’s Office has seen unheard-of levels of attrition, leading to critical staffing shortages. Creating an environment where employees feel safe, appreciated, and encouraged is a top priority. This is achievable through providing ample opportunities for employee growth and promotions and instituting a true open-door policy where officers feel welcome to share issues, identify goals, and provide feedback.

  • Restorative Justice

    When someone enters the justice system, it should be a community goal to keep them from returning. Unfortunately, the release from jail doesn’t provide the formerly incarcerated with a clean slate, or even the means to move in a positive direction. By providing non-violent offenders with job fair opportunities and information about accessible mental healthcare providers, we can work together to encourage better choices and gainful employment that reduces recidivism and keeps our communities safer.

  • Transparency and Communication

    The opaque administration we currently have only fosters tension between the public and law enforcement. By communicating with the public through community events and cooperation with the press, we can work towards a better relationship with the county we serve.

  • Inter-Departmental Communication

    Municipal departments deserve the full cooperation of the Denton County Sheriff’s Office for backup, investigation assistance, the capturing of suspects and to keep the county safe. By opening lines of communication and holding regular meetings, we can create a cohesive, cooperative law enforcement front, making all residents safer.

  • Re-Institution of SWAT

    The SWAT unit was dissolved by the current sheriff which leaves the entire county vulnerable during events like active shooters or bomb threats. The rapid growth of smaller municipalities often outpaces their capacity to field specialized police units and without a county SWAT to depend on, they may be unable to respond to critical incidents with the necessary manpower to prevent loss of life or injury. Assembling a fully capable SWAT unit is a mandatory action to keep Denton County safe.